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Semi whole durum wheat sedani in bread sauce
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Semi whole durum wheat sedani in bread sauce

We have added freshness with fennel and emphasised the rustic cereal feel of the pasta with toasted semi whole grain breadcrumbs. The final touch comes from the fries that garnish the pasta, seasoned with lemon juice and pepper for added succulent crispness. A journey.


• 160 g durum semi-wholegrain sedani pasta

• 100 g stale semi-wholegrain bread

• 200 ml vegetable stock

• 50 g potato chips

• 1/2 bulb fennel

• 1 lemon 

Extra virgin olive oil as required

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

pacco sedani grano duro semintegrali


Dice the stale bread and toast it in a pan with a little olive oil. Add the stock and leave to cook for a few minutes, adding salt to taste. The bread sauce, which needs to be a little runny is ready.

Wash and cut the fennel into julienne strips, then dice them. Season with salt, oil and leave it in a separate bowl.

Cook the pasta in boiling salted water.

While the pasta is cooking, take the potato chips, season them with lemon juice and pepper, then crumble them into small pieces.

Drain the pasta, mix it into the bread sauce, add the diced fennel and stir over the heat for a minute.

Place in a dish and sprinkle with plenty of potato chips.

Pairing with local wine

Organic Offida DOCG Pecorino
To bring out the freshness of the fennel with an alcoholic note that adds softness and a bouquet of broom and yellow roses.

by Otello Renzi