The Foundation was established in 1996 with the primary purpose of preserving, archiving and disseminating the writings and thoughts of its founder.

“We were clever in combining the rules of economics with faithfulness to religious rule at first and also with a culture understood not as a set of data that makes a person brilliant, but as an integral part of a lifestyle.”

Thoughts and intents
“Gino’s message is unique for having brought together faith, environmentalism, land, agriculture and farmers. We preserve and renew it, so that it may continue to turn into pasta.”
Girolomoni Cultural Foundation, 2021
The reason why the Girolomoni Foundation was established
The cultural foundation has among its primary purposes:
- The preservation and archiving of the writings, documents and books left by Gino Girolomoni
- The dissemination of Gino’s thought
- The enhancement of the places among the Cesane hills, specifically at the Monastery of Montebello, in a wide area between Urbino and Isola del Piano in the province of Pesaro-Urbino.
In a climate of scepticism and lack of hope and ideals, Gino’s life bears witness to the possibility of make business in a way that respects the environment, the landscape and human health, according to the ancient tradition of our country’s farming and pastoral tradition.
Girolomoni was able to live the farming experience not as a devout memory of the past but by receiving from tradition the deepest message of communion with the spirit of the places and, at the same time, accepting – without compromise – the Christian experience as the foundation of social life.
This is why the Foundation, while rooted in and starting from the land where Girolomoni lived, wishes to make its message a national and international reference point for a tangible way to achieve sustainable development.
How the Girolomoni Foundation is organized
Foundation members manage the property and use of a number of important spaces, including:
- The renovated church of SS. Trinità, adjoined to the former Girolamini Monastery founded by Blessed Pietro Gambacorta in 1380;
- The museum located in a wing on the ground floor of the Monastery and dedicated to Farming Culture, where work tools and archaeological finds from the surrounding area are displayed.
The Foundation is also responsible for handling the works concerning the figure and life of Gino Girolomoni, organizing conferences and exhibitions on his activities, and editing the four-monthly magazine of which he was the director, titled The Mediterraneo Dossier.
The goals of the Girolomoni Foundation
Over the years, Gino Girolomoni’s cultural experience expanded in many areas. In each of them, thanks also to the meeting and discussion with many figures of international level who made the Montebello Monastery an important point of reference, he specified the paths to be followed and develop.
The following purposes of the Foundation are part of the guidelines left by Gino:
- The study of the history of the Girolamini, Blessed Pietro Gambacorta and hermits who lived at the Montebello Monastery
- The researches related to Mount Sinai and archaeological finds at Har Karkom (Negev Desert, Israel);
- Deepened study of the Bible
- Organic agriculture
- The promotion of a sustainable lifestyle
- Gastronomy as culture
- The return of life in the hills and mountains.
Finally, the Foundation wishes to highlight and reward, in Italy and abroad, all those experiences that, in line with the initiatives originated and developed in Montebello, started with courage similar experiences, both from a cultural and economic point of view.
Monastero di Montebello
Via Montebello, 1 – 61030 Isola del Piano (PU)
Tel. +39 0721 720334

“Mediterraneo dossier”
The quarterly of the Girolomoni Foundation
Subscribe to the magazine

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